Thursday, August 27, 2020

Work Based Practice Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Work Based Practice Project - Essay Example vascular dementia, ailments, for example, pick’s illness substance prompted dementia must be first precluded so as to com to this determination. The exact appraisal of DAT is done through broad testing Psycho †engine testing and neuroimaging just as standard lab work to make reference to however a couple of deficiencies are found in the accompanying regions. This examination depends to a great extent on experience increased through the continuous with Care Company who wish to build up a preparation ability in Dementia care. This exploration will be included working seriously in an Elderly Mentally Infirm enrolled private home. The reason for this examination is to diagram manners by which preparing can be use to assist staff with forming into intelligent specialists. This investigation concerns a contextual analysis assessment of Care Company from which authorization has been gotten. It is trusted that this examination will add to the company’s advancement and usage of wellbeing segment objectives and destinations. Studies done have shown the significant indications of dementia are carelessness. A condition called mellow subjective weakness is watched first. This is the phase that portrays the circumstance where one creates typical absent mindedness that is because of mature age and the initiation of dementia. Individuals that wind up as casualties of this MCI by and large experience issues that are connected with memory and thinking limit. This anyway doesn't meddle with their every day undertaking. A few examinations have been done to build up the significant causes and manifestations that are related with dementia. As indicated by Biernacki (2007) the significant reason credited to Dementia is the harmed synapses. Harm to the synapses causes breakdown of correspondence making it difficult to interpret the various endeavors of the body for example thinking and conduct. This can be clarified by the through taking a gander at the arrangement of the mind. From the examinations done, the mind is comprised of a few unmistakable locales. Every locale

Saturday, August 22, 2020


MEKANISME HEMOSTASIS Urutan mekanisme hemostasis dan koagulasi dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1. Segera setelah pembuluh darah terpotong atau pecah, rangsangan dari pembuluh darah yang rusak itu menyebabkan dinding pembuluh berkontraksi sehingga dengan segera aliran darah dari pembuluh darah yang pecah akan berkurang (terjadi vasokontriksi). 2. Setelah itu, akan diikuti oleh adhesi trombosit, yaitu penempelan trombosit pada kolagen. ADP (adenosin difosfat) kemudian dilepaskan oleh trombosit kemudian ditambah dengan tromboksan A2 menyebabkan terjadinya agregasi (penempelan trombosit satu sama lain). Compositions aktivasi trombosit ini terus terjadi sampai terbentuk sumbat trombosit, disebut juga hemostasis groundwork. 3. Setelah itu dimulailah kaskade koagulasi (lihat gambar.1) yaitu hemostasis sekunder, diakhiri dengan pembentukan fibrin. Produksi fibrin dimulai dengan perubahan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. Faktor X diaktifkan melalui dua jalur, yaitu jalur ekstrinsik dan jalur intrinsik. Jalur ekstrinsik dipicu oleh tissue factor/tromboplastin. Kompleks lipoprotein tromboplastin selanjutnya bergabung dengan faktor VII bersamaan dengan hadirnya particle kalsium yang nantinya akan mengaktifkan faktor X. Jalur intrinsik diawali oleh keluarnya plasma atau kolagen melalui pembuluh darah yang rusak dan mengenai kulit. Paparan kolagen yang rusak akan mengubah faktor XII menjadi faktor XII yang teraktivasi. Selanjutnya faktor XIIa akan bekerja secara enzimatik dan mengaktifkan faktor XI. Faktor XIa akan mengubah faktor IX menjadi faktor IXa. 4. faktor IXa akan bekerja sama dengan lipoprotein trombosit, faktor VIII, serta particle kalsium untuk mengaktifkan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. 5. faktor Xa yang dihasilkan dua jalur berbeda itu akan memasuki jalur bersama. Faktor Xa akan berikatan dengan fosfolipid trombosit, particle kalsium, dan juga faktor V sehingga membentuk aktivator protrombin. 6. Selanjutnya senyawa itu akan mengubah protrombin menjadi trombin. Trombin selanjutnya akan mengubah fibrinogen menjadi fibrin (longgar), dan akhirnya dengan bantuan fakor VIIa dan particle kalsium, fibrin tersebut menjadi kuat. Fibrin inilah yang akan menjerat sumbat trombosit sehingga menjadi kuat. 7. Selanjutnya apabila sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi, bekuan darah akan dilisiskan melalui compositions fibrinolitik. Expositions ini dimulai dengan adanya proaktivator plasminogen yang kemudian dikatalis menjadi aktivator plasminogen dengan adanya enzim streptokinase, kinase jaringan, serta faktor XIIa. Selanjutnya plasminogen akan diubah menjadi plasmin dengan bantuan enzim seperti urokinase. Plasmin inilah yang akan mendegradasi fibrinogen/fibrin menjadi fibrin corruption item [pic] Gangguan hemostasis (perdarahan strange) dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal di bawah ini: 1. Kelainan vaskuler Kelainan vaskuler adalah sekelompok kelompok keadaan heterogen, yang ditandaiu oleh mudah memar dan perdarahan spontan dari poembuluh darah kecil. Kelainan yang mendasari terletak pada pembuluh darah itu sendiri atau dalam jaringan ikat perivaskular. Pada keadaan dseperti ini, uji penyaring standart part hasil ordinary. Masa perdarahan typical, uji hemostasis lain juga ordinary. Kelainan vaskular ini terdapat dua jenis yakni herediter yang berupa Telangiektasia hemoragik herediter, serta kelainan jaringan ikat. Jenis yang lain adalah Defek vaskular didapat . 2. Trombositopenia Trombositopenia didefinisikan sebagai jumlah trombosit kurang dari 100.000/mm3. Biasanya ditandai dengan purpura kulit spontan, perdarahan mukosa, dan perdarahan berkepanjangan setelah injury. Beberapa penyebab trombositopenia antara lain: (1)Kegagalan produksi trombosit .Ini merupakan penyebab tersering trombositopenia yang biasanya juga merupakan bagian dari kegagalan sumsum tulang generalisata Penekanan megakarisit selektif dapat disebabkan oleh toksisitas obat atau infeksi infection. (2)Peningkatan destruksi trombosit, Hal ini dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yakni: a.Trombositopenia imun,termasuk di dalamnya ITP, karena infeksi, purpura pascatranfusi, Trombositopenia imun karena diinduksi obat, b.Purpura trombositopenia trombotik c.Koagulasi intravaskular diseminata, (3)Distribusi trombosit unusual, (4)Kehilangan akibat dilusi, yakni berupa transfuse masif darah simpan pada pasien dengan perdarahan. 3. Gangguan koagulasi Bisa karena herediter maupun didapat, yang umumnya menggangu faktor-faktor koagulasi. a.Herediter : hemofilia A dan hemofilia B b.Didapat : defisiensi nutrient K dan penyakit hati 4.Gangguan fungsi trombosit Dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yakni: a.Didapat 1) karena obat against trombosit seperti headache medicine, 2).hiperglobulinemia, 3).kelainan mieloproliferatif dan mielodisplastik , serta 4)Uremia. b.Kelainan herediter 1) Trombastenia, 2)Sinsrom Bernard soulier, 3) Penyakit penyimpanan KELAINAN KOAGULASI . Hemofili A . Hemofili B . Kekurangan vit K (II,VII, IX, XI) Ganggan fungsi hati . DIC Adanya tissue factor (endotoxin, kerusakan jaringan dll) TF aktivasi koagulasi diikuti aktifasi fibrinolitik bergantian. Trombositopeni, APTT, PPT, TT memanjang, fibrinogen turun, FDP squestrasi PEMERIKSAAN LAB HEMOFILIA . Coagulating time memanjang . APTT memanjang . Kadar Faktor VII menurun pada hemophilia A dan faktor IX menurun pada hemophilia B Finding DARI HASIL LAB PADA HEMOFILIA . Coagulating time memanjang, Bleeding time ordinary . APTT memanjang, PPT typical

Friday, August 21, 2020

Teaching Essay Samples - Best Way to Improve Students Writing Skills

Teaching Essay Samples - Best Way to Improve Student's Writing SkillsWhen it comes to teaching strategies, teaching essay samples can be a great way to start. These essay samples can be of great assistance in highlighting the various sections of an essay. These can be of great assistance to teachers who have just started to teach or to instructors who are searching for ways to improve the way their students present their work. Using these samples can really help the teacher in making the transition of your student from an active participant to a passive audience that will learn from your example.One of the best things about using this method is that they do not cost a lot. One of the advantages of this method is that you can simply create as many essays as you want. All you need to do is to download the sample from the Internet and then print it out. This works well for students who are finding it difficult to keep up with the writing activities on their own. Aside from this, they ca n also use it to remind themselves about the things that they had forgotten in the course of doing their essay.Another advantage of using these samples is that they help you to form a unique combination that you have never attempted before. These may be copied by other students in the same class or used by other teachers. By using these, you can surely get an idea of what is effective in presenting your work.Another great thing about using these essay samples is that you can modify them as much as you want. Most of the time, these are produced with a pre-defined outline and some common questions already included. So you can easily adapt these to your needs.Your own version can be the same as what they produce but this will only be different in certain areas. These methods can make sure that your students become aware of the information that you are trying to convey. You can also develop a unique style in this. Once again, this is only possible by following a specific outline and by presenting things in the correct way.What makes this process easier for you is that you will know the answers to the questions that you want to ask your student. This is one of the main reasons why so many students use these methods. There are so many websites and books available that offer these essay samples.These could range from essays on basic facts, history, current events, textbook paper types, research papers, sports and other topics. They are also useful for grade distribution. What this means is that your student will be graded based on the content of the assignment. Not only that, but you will be able to keep track of your progress as well.Teaching methods can be beneficial especially for students who are still working on learning how to write essays. One of the most common reasons why people use these methods is that they know that there are easier ways to teach them other parts of writing. When used properly, you can not only get better grades, but also gain valuable in sight from your students.